Memory King


According to Ed Cooke, who was crowned Grand Master of Memory at age of 23, this is how you improve your memory!!

  1. Divide to Conquer

    Break things up, no matter how complicated, into little  bite sized chunks!!
  2. Make Connections

    For the brain to remember something, it must be connected to something else.  So connect new material to material that is already stored in the brain by asking - What does this remind me of?
  3. Visualize

    Create pictures of what you are learning - the brighter, more colourful, more fun and even absurd - the more memorable!
  4. Test Yourself

    Recalling knowledge is the best way to strengthen it.  So constantly test yourself as you learn to make the memory faster to retrieve and more reliable.
  5. Create Stories

    To connect knowledge, link memories into an entertaining narrative. Say that story out loud and often to strengthen it and thus, remember!

Want to know more about Ed Cooke who had to memoize the order of 10 decks of cards and 1000 random digits in under an hour among a few other feats to earn his title, he wrote Remember, Remember; Learn the Stuff You Thought You Never Could in 2008 and has since created a language learning app called Memrise … check it out!