
Teacher Suzanne, tutoring in Saint Lucia

Teacher Suzanne in her home officeTeacher Suzanne sat at a desk in front of her computer
  • Teaching since 1998
  • Private tutor since 2013
  • Individualized classes
  • Personalized attention
  • Specialized notes
  • Tricks of the trade to improve memorization
  • Repetition to master skills
  • Results oriented

Teaching was not always my passion or at least so I thought. I was pursuing medicine and while at university I was given the opportunity to take an education class. It was in that class that we were asked to work with a teacher in the classroom. From the first day to now, I knew that teaching would be my life long passion.

I studied Secondary Education, Psychology and Chemistry with a focus in Biology at the University of Miami and graduated with a Bachelor of Science with Honors in 1997.  I have also been active in many Professional Development Days during my teaching career, here in St. Lucia as well as Miami, and studying online with Cousera where I earned a certificate in Supporting Children with Difficulties in Reading and Writing in 2015, and Learning How to Learn in 2018.

I have been teaching since January 1998. I know that there are many things said about a teacher but, for me, it is a calling. I love it. There is nothing better than the moment when a student’s eyes shine bright with comprehension!

I am highly organized and prepared. I spend quite a bit of time on preparations for my tutoring sessions.  Along with gathering new information by reading and researching, I also do self-assessments to make sure that my information remains vital and relevant to the student.

Currently, I specialize in Math education for elementary and secondary levels as well as helping children with difficulties learning to read.

Tutoring Sessions

All Classes

The general information below is related to all my tutoring sessions. Please note that if there are any permanent changes to any aspect of the sessions, then all parents will be informed and the update will be posted here on this site.

EC$160 per hour
45 - 60 minutes

Via Zoom
Cancelation Policy
Any session requires a six hour cancelation to avoid incurring the session fee.

Elementary & Secondary School Mathematics

Although, my degree was in Biology, I took many math and physics classes due to my pre-med focus and when I got some experience teaching math in the classroom at both secondary and elementary levels, I fell in love with it.  It is now my preferred subject to teach. Using many research tools, I have created a bank of notes, review cards and sample questions that will allow any student to develop a disciplined and reliable approach to answering any math question.

Getting math tutoring from me will be catered towards your child's personal goals and the sessions will reflect areas that need improvement and development. The sessions last about forty-five to sixty minutes and are one-on-one so specific targets may be achieved.

Learning to Read for Kids with Difficulties

This program was designed for the student who has difficulty with reading or may have been suspected/diagnosed/in the process of being diagnosed with a developmental issues, dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia or memory and processing issues. This program is entirely paced and based on the student’s ability and areas that require growth. The sessions, which are all one-on-one, last from about 45 to 60 minutes and are dependent on the level of focus and discipline that can be attained on any given day. I am constantly gathering material and using tactile objects to help enhance the process and engage different parts of the brain.

Standardized Testing (SAT, SSAT)

I provide tutoring to help with standardized tests, like SAT and SSAT, which are offered periodically in St. Lucia.  This program is flexible and will help develop the test taking skills that are greatly needed on the test. The sessions last about one hour and are typically done one-on-one. I do offer group sessions in this area but, this is entirely dependent on the student(s). Fees vary for group sessions.

I have researched and created a booklet with concepts, example test questions and sample tests that will aid in the test taking process.

How much is a session?

Each session costs EC$160.

If your sessions have a permanent slot allocation, payments will be collected in cash at the end of each month.

If your sessions have a temporary slot allocation, the complete payment will be collected in cash before the first session.

How long does a session last?

A session lasts from about 45 to 60 minutes.

Are there any additional charges?

If students require notes on a specific topic, this will incur an additional fee. This fee varies depending on the topic.

Where do the sessions occur?

Sessions occur online via the Zoom platform.  This requires a working tablet, desktop or laptop at a desk in a quiet and cool area.

A smartphone will not work as the screen is too small for all the features that will be used during the session.

Prior to the first session, a link as well as a Meeting ID and password will be supplied so that participants can gain access to all the sessions.

How many children in a session?

Sessions are done one-on-one.  This is to present a distinct difference from the classroom setting as well as for me to fully understand your child’s academic level and personality.

What subjects are taught?

I specialize in the following areas during my sessions:

  • All topics for Elementary School Math as well as preparing students for the Common Entrance Examination as well as for the upcoming Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA)
  • All topics for Secondary School Math as well as preparing students for CXC Exit Exam and GCSE Exit Exam
  • A Learn To Read Program that will help develop and foster students skills in reading and comprehension
  • Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) preparations
  • Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) preparations
What is the cancelation policy?

Any session requires a six hour cancelation to avoid incurring the entire session fee.

What does my child need to prepared for the session?

Your child will need:

‍This is the manner in which all of the information will be referenced and used.

  • a tablet, desktop or laptop (a smart phone will not work)
  • a fairly fast and stable internet connection
  • a desk in a quiet and cool area
  • a working mouse/trackpad, mic and front facing camera
  • access to a hard drive to be able to save soft copies of work
  • download the Zoom App
  • an email account for communication


  • a pen, pencil and highlighter
  • a small stack of paper for doing additional work
  • a 2” three ring binder to neatly keep hard copies of their work in one place - this binder should ONLY be for our sessions together
  • 3" x 5" index cards to create study cards
  • a geometry set and calculator - depending on the material

Your child should also have access to their school notes, school work and school textbook so, I will be able to reference how and what topics have been covered in school.

Pardina Samson-Fessale

I have had the pleasure of having Ms. Sardinha as both my primary school teacher and as a fitness instructor later on. In both cases I felt supported, challenged and listened to. Thanks to her, I was able to achieve my goals, and the confidence she instilled in me remains to this day. I remember her reading “Oh The Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss to my class before a big exam, as a way to inspire us to try our hardest and that despite what hardships come our way, we will succeed. This remains one of my favourite children’s books to this day. I would recommend Ms. Sardinha to everyone, she remains not only my favourite teacher but my former schoolmates’ favourite teacher as well.

Indy Kyle

Suzanne has taught my 3 children - 1 at university, 1 at college and the other at primary school is still being tutored by her. Her execution and level of patience I have witnessed during my son's sessions is impeccable. My son, being dyslexic, has benefited tremendously from her tutoring.

Elina Chugani

Teacher Suzanne is a highly creative and enthusiastic teacher. Her notes for math are vibrant and memorable. I'm in awe of her patience, she wouldn't move from the topic until I mastered and felt comfortable with it.

Ashmita Chugani

Teacher Suzanne is a highly creative and enthusiastic teacher. Her notes for math are vibrant and memorable. I'm in awe of her patience, she wouldn't move from the topic As parent, even I looked forward to Suzanne's visits. Her eagerness to share her wealth of knowledge with my daughter, was truly impressive. I mastered and felt comfortable with it.

Alison Keigher

I believe confidence in Mathematics is paramount and Suzanne gave my son back the confidence he had been lacking over the past couple of years in just a few weeks. Suzanne is organized and systematic in her approach and encourages her students to follow her example. Suzanne builds a rapport with her students which engenders enthusiasm for the subject matter and fosters a love of learning. 

Dr Misrak Nega

Thank you so much for tutoring Elsie. Your extensive knowledge and patience has enabled her to surpass our expectations in the recent Common Entrance exams. Your organizational skills and stern yet friendly attitude not only make learning fun for the students but in turn make it easy for us, the parents, to manage in this very stressful time.

Dr Lisa Charles

Suzanne tutored my daughter through her first year of math at the St. Joseph’s Convent (SJC). I shared the curriculum so that she could re-enforce and augment what was expected. I am very happy that we engaged Suzanne for many reasons. First, the class size n transition from The Montessori Center to SJC did not allow for the personalized approach of student learning and individual attention to address difficulties with the curriculum.  Secondly, I did not have to worry about gaps in the curriculum due to teacher absence or overall pace of the class. Third, offering more than one approach to tackling math whether it be a different approach to problem solving or those endless creative ways Suzanne comes up with to approach difficult concepts offered reassurance to my daughter and built her confidence. I know there are lots of competing interests for kids' time but I really wanted my daughter to approach math without feeling intimidated and Suzanne has been instrumental with this.

Rachel Johnson

"Knowledge is power” ... We witnessed an amazing transformation from floundering with basic concepts to excited to learn. Strict, no nonsense, innovative, and tailor-made lessons specific to my son’s needs were a godsend boost to moral in all areas of his life. My only regret as a parent was wishing we had started this process of extra help sooner!!!

Elena Rastelli

Teacher Suzanne has been tutoring my daughter Aliya for few years and has really made a big difference .Aliya use to think that she was bad at math and that she would never get it. But, Teacher Suzanne turned everything around and now Aliya loves math! So much so that she has chosen Additional Mathematics for her GCSE exams. Suzanne is great, passionate and a very professional teacher. I am so grateful that Aliya had a chance to learn with her.

Jennifer & Tom Spiegelberg

Suzanne treats each student as an individual learner which is evident in the lessons that she prepares to suit everyone’s unique learning style.  She is flexible with what will be taught each week, as she caters for those needs. She is extremely well organized and prepared for each lesson. Suzanne is more than "just" a lessons teacher. She is a motivator, listener, someone who thinks outside the box and engaged in her student’s lives.  Suzanne has taught two out of our three children which has totaled about eight years. Our children are fortunate to have had her.

Nicole Edgecombe

Suzanne places as much emphasis on knowing her student well as she does on imparting knowledge about the subject she's teaching. As such, she can present information to the student in a manner that ensures understanding and builds both confidence and competence. As a parent, I truly appreciate that when she provides feedback about my child I can hear that she is in fact speaking about my unique child because she has taken the time to know him. She is firm but fair and makes learning even math palatable.

Dawn Pierre-Nathoniel

Suzanne was a very responsible, punctual and organized tutor. She was also very strategic in her approach, sharing valuable study and recollection tips with our son. She covered a range of topics that helped prepare our son for Math Common Entrance, where he performed very well. He was very comfortable with her as a tutor and the one-on-one classes meant that he received personal and dedicated attention that allowed her to clue in on his inherent issues, while facilitating  an openness about his shortcomings, without embarrassment or self consciousness.  He said that she made Math fun! 

Karen Hunte

I am very grateful to Suzanne for all her efforts with my son.  He excelled at common entrance largely due to her.  For the first time, he was excited to learn and was motivated.  She tailors each class to the individual needs of each child and gets them to work.  Thanks Suzanne.

Sukhi Bahia Jagpal

Teacher Suzanne has been teaching our girls for years. She has been instrumental in getting them excellent grades in both the Common Entrance Exam and CSEC Math as all my children got above 90%.   She gives step by step instructions to make it easier for them to understand.  She is very punctual and works hard to get the children to do well.  We are very happy with the service she provides for us.

Donna Darius

Suzanne is a dedicated teacher and a champion for her students. My son has learning difficulties and she took time out to research his issues and how best to address them. Suzanne did not just teach him but made sure she understood him and how he processed information. And she always kept me posted on his progress or any issues that I should be aware of. 

Suzanne took a proactive approach to teaching my son, he has excellent long-term memory but poor short term. She used that as her basis to cover the Common Entrance syllabus so the important and very detailed topics were taught very early so he would be confident in them when exams came around. In teaching him fractions she introduced him to a less used method because she realized he picked up that pattern better and he could master the topic through her approach after struggling with it using the traditional approach. I would recommend Suzanne, she is not a tutor but really an investment in your child especially if they struggle. She does more that support what is done at school she makes the school syllabus accessible to your child under his/ her terms.

Barbara Pierre

Suzanne has been tutoring my two boys from 2015. She prepared my older boy, who was homeschooled, for the Common Entrance Examination. He was very easily distracted at school and his motivation was decreasing and often did not do his homework. He was transformed from the first class, rushing to do his math homework as soon as the session finished. The increased motivation was carried on to other aspects of his life. Similarly, Suzanne could get my younger one enthusiastic about his spelling and language. He has some learning difficulties that manifests in spelling so he did not look forward to language. Moreover, he loves the outdoors and often it’s a struggle to get him indoors to get homework done, worse during vacation. However, he looked forward to his sessions with Suzanne, even during vacation. Naturally both improved their grades and the older one did very well in Common Entrance, excelling in Math.

Steve P.

I first met Suzanne over 15 years ago in Miami, FL where she was my high school Biology teacher. I always appreciated her personalized approach toward each student’s learning style. She always prepared very detailed lesson plans and used great visual aids to help get the main concepts of the lesson plan across to the class. I recognized her passion for teaching and have remained in touch with her since then!

Chelsea Gilbert

Every kid hopefully has at least one teacher that is one of a kind, one that they will remember forever. For me, that teacher was my 9th grade Biology teacher, the one and only Ms. Sardinha. She was the perfect combination of strict and kind. She demanded discipline and respect, yet we knew that she truly cared about us and our education. I am incredibly proud to call her a mentor --I am now an educator myself-- as well as a friend that I still keep in touch with today.

The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.

Paul Halmos